<<In a message dated 1/1/00 5:29:23 PM, chrup@earthlink.net writes:
I have a little Visor (Palm III look-a-like from Handspring) here
which I bought for a friend overseas. I had the opportunity to play
with it a little and I'm so happy to have a Newton ... The
handwriting on that thing is just plain awful. You have to write in
the style IT wants and not what YOU want to do.>>
I think this is true about the Newton too, undoubtedly the Newton is far
more flexable in it's ability to interpret handwriting but until I took e
attitude that I would modify my handwriting to something more intellegable by
the Newton (by choosing letter shapes that were most distinct from other
similar lettersand retraining myself to use these) Newton's recognition was
painfully poor. Now with my new attitude it is excellent.
Happy new year to everybody ...
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