Marco Mailand wrote:
> Laurent Daudelin schrieb:
> > Then, there is the writing of the application. Supporting both Mac and
> > PC platform requires careful planning, if you want to re-use most of the
> > code. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution for a cross-platform
> > framework for Macintosh and Windows.
> I would be able to do that work and write an application for both
> platforms. I mean one source code for Mac and Win. Compiled would the
> application become relatively big, but hey, who cares about HD space and
> RAM.
What framework are you using? Last time I checked, the Mac ToolBox was pretty
far from being compatible with the MFC for any GUY related stuff...
> I can receive and send serial data streams and can program
> calendar, notes and names appearance including all MoreInfo stuff, BUT I
> can not do much on the Newton side and I do have absolutely NO clue
> about the NOS backup data stream or handshaking procedures nor do I know
> sufficiently much about the major Newton soups, in order to use them as
> they are.
I have some NewtonScript knowledge, would probably to be able to look and
understand the structure of the needed Newton soups, but I've never did any
communication or backup related stuff.
> > I would maybe work on such project *if* I had the collaboration from an
> > old timer, like Dan Rowley, to provide guidance. If we could make some
> > arrangements regarding the distribution of work and profit (if any), I'd
> > be willing to give it a try.
> That sounds good, if there is a need for a Newton program at all. I
> think the major lack is at the desktop side. Which program has all the
> features of the Newton? I miss so many things, like MoreInfo links or
> multiple clipboards with the easiness of NOS on my WinNT box and also
> some on my Mac and that keeps me using my Newton as more or less
> standalone device.
I don't think that there is a single program that has it all. I've heard
people saying good things about the Palm Desktop application (defunct
ClarisOrganizer), but that's it.
-- -Laurent. ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae Phone: 703-833-4266 Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply****************************************** This month's NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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