I'd be keen for a *genuine* sync util: at the present rate of development, I see myself
using my MP2K for at least another 2 yrs before there's anything comparable out there.
Key points I'd like to see:
-'hot' syncing - the ability to define a folder on the DT that was sync'd to the Newt via
'smart' interpreters: eg WORD docs to RTF to Newtworks (and back again), Excel sheets to
QF and (sigh) an Outlook file to Dates.
The DT should have enough power to compare 'date' files and make changes on those gorunds
(or using 'Newt/DT always wins).
I can do all of the interchange at present manually using NCU - but automation would make
the Newt truly useful again......instead of just a notepad I use for Meeting notes and
Trials (and wouldn't do that except for Quickpress and the QF I/O utility).
Even some relatively smart VB (for us PC types) on the DT side would do most of it - eg
export to a tab delimited file, ditto the Outlook file to a DBase, do some smart merging
(based on date as above - or similar, I'm not proud!), eliminate duplicates and
re-import/yadda yadda into Newt one way, Outlook the other.
This should all be available via the 'autodock' function or similar - plug Newt in and
away it goes...
On the 'ahhh - if only' wish list -
-syncing of specified Email folders with Newt (both ways - with Simplemail?)
-Notes I/O as well as Works - maybe a specified folder on the Newt? - even cooler if you
could 'hyperlink' notes in other folders to this and have them sync'd also
-A (stand-alone? No pun intended :-) interpreter for backups on the DT - making this more
like the old 'NCK' but for 2.x devices. The ability to modify data in a backup and save it
on the DT would be extraordinary - but at least being able to 'extract' such would go a
long way....
-WAV-NewtAudio I/O: even a 'kludge' that records from the Newt via a sound card ->wav,
then back again to get noise into the Newt would do - but ideally, 2-way 'sound support'
<BIG sigh>. In which case, guess we could expect a run on those IConnect plugs :-)
-Way way way out there -and yes, I know how unlikely this would be - <sigh> Ethernet
support for all of this on PC's. This, I would seriously consider killing for.
OTOH, maybe do it all on a Mac platform (thus allowing Enet support) and just use
Basilisk/similar to run said ideas.....these would still have to be accessible and usable
on my PC (without emulation) to be worthwhile tho.....
IMHO, an app that did 'Key points' above, would put the Newt's true usefulness factor (as
a DTop extension, not just a standalone machine) back to well above anything else out
there - kinda a laptop PC (with all the 'sharing ability' that goes with an identical OS
on a laptop) - with all the Newt's strong points......in the palm of your hand! (pun
_intended_ this time)
The other stuff would turn it back into the 'killer machine' my original ExpertPad (MP100
clone) was back in the early 90's......
I'd pay up to $100 USD for something that did the 'key points' above (after I've finished
scrimping the $$ for newtscape, that is) - and up to $150 for something that handled much
of the other......seriously.
FWIW-that's at our present exchange rate of approx $1US=$2New Zealand.
The lack of Interconnectivity _is_ the newt's biggest flaw: something that enabled me to
'drag and drop' files with seamless (even if slow) up/down-loading would fix this.
Count me in if pledges/$ up front are required.
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