Re: NTLK [Long] Qualcomm Data on the Go modem and Newton

From: Doug Fuss (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 06:11:45 EST

> Thanks for your detailed response. I went ahead and ordered a DOTG modem and
> cable for my 2100 knowing a bit about its limitations. (I got a good deal on
> it from a guy on Seattle who has been selling them on eBay.)

If you don't mind me asking, what did you pay on eBay? And who is he? Is he
selling any more?

I've been searching eBay for the cards and the best I found closed at $209 I
think. That's a relatively good deal, except to get it to work with my
QCP-860 I have to buy a new cable costing $70 or $80. Did you check whether
the cable coming with the DOTG card fits your phone?

> The 860/Newt combo does sound enticing. I could upgrade without too much cost
> and the speed benefits would be worthwhile.

You might want to think about the QCP-860. I love it. It fits comfortably in
my pants pocket, has a very logical button layout and size, and I really
like the minibrowser wireless web features. It is really a quantum leap over
the QCP-820.

> Please keep me informed on any progress on working out the bugs with the
> 860/Newt connection.

I surely will. It's too bad I won't have a fellow Bell Atlantic Newtonite to
work with.

Best of luck,


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