Soo Yeon Cho wrote:
> Dear Newton Users,
> I am a big fan of PocketMoney from Catamount, inc. Any addict like me
> here?
> Recently, I have found out a bug-like problem seemed to be related with
> Y2K. When I check out the transactions input before the year 2000, the
> dates are shown like xx/xx/99.
> It seems to have no problem. However, if I tap the date, the whole date
> shows the year as 2099. Sorting of these information which are input
> before 2000, does not matter. That is, they acts like 1999's
> transactions. But when I input a transaction with the date of xx/xx/1999
> now(1/11/2000), the date changes to 2099 again and sorting does
> matter. It locates at the last because its date is xx/xx/2099.
> I e-mailed Catamount, inc, but no response. I wonder they are
> still working on Newton stuff. Any one, any informaiton about this?
Did you really check Catamount site? The first info on their main page was
clearly stating a new PM update to fix a Y2K bug. You need version 3.0.4. Get
it from their web site. That's what I did.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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