>I surmised that Apple had waited to introduce a PalmOS device until color arrived...
>but the story is now confirmed and new details have been added... come take a look!
I think you're stretching the definition of "confirmed." (Then again, you're not alone...THE REGISTER, in the initial story, reports "At this stage, the comments from Taiwan are a tad too vague to be certain, but they do suggest that Apple's Palm plans are moving forward, confirmed by Jobs' remarks." But Jobs's only remark, mentioned earlier in the article, was a non-specific reference that "Apple had been 'doing a lot of work with these guys lately'.")
The REGISTER publishes a story short on fact, long on unconfirmed reports, from sources not named. MacOS Rumors reiterates that story, in an attempt to establish some credibility for their own endeavors on the subject, and adds further unconfirmed information. And now The REGISTER repeats the story from MacOS Rumors as a follow-up, to lend credibility to the original report. (That should tell you all you need to know about The REGISTER.)
I'm not saying you shouldn't repeat this stuff, or provide links to it...I only suggest that you avoid referring to it as if it were more than what it is: rumor and speculation. That's the least I'd expect from any news site that expects to be taken seriously.
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