I have been using Ray-O-Vac Renewal recharable alkaline batteries for over a
year in my Newton 120 2.0. I have been using the external charger to
recharge them. I also have a digital camera that took 4 AA batteries so I
had three sets I'd rotate between the Newton, digital camera and charger.
Recently I read here that someone was charging their Ray-O-Vacs directly in
their Newton. I stuck a piece of an old playing card in the battery
compartment and bought a 7.5 volt Radio Shack adapter. Now for the last two
monthes I have been charging the batteries in my Newton and when at my desk
running on the adapter. I've had no problems and have even started using
SleepAid as the Newton knows when it is on the adapter. I don't know if this
solution will work for every model Newton but I never worry about batteries
failing on my faithful Newton anymore.
Matt "Ducky" Howe
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