Re: NTLK eMate Stylii Available at Smalldog

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 15:16:31 EST

on 17-01-2000 1:30, Loren Finkelstein at Loren@Finkelstein.Net wrote:

> Do you know what they look like? Who makes (made them)? Do they fit in a
> MP2x00 slot, or are they more of a separate digital writer type stylus?

I'm not sure if these are the same but I was offered a free colored "eMate
stylus" the other day on a trade show, looks nice but was/is made of very
light plastic, so not so good for writing, tires your hand after a while.
Not sure if these are the same that Smalldog is offering, only way that you
will be sure is if you ask them ;-)

Robert Benschop

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