NTLK Software for a MP130

From: Brian McEwen (bmcewen@cowboy.net)
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 10:06:16 EST

>For the latter, I would consider using one of the date/ name enhancements
>for the Newton rather than a database. They may achieve what you want
>with the least bother .
>I use (and love) More Info from Silverware. Alternatives are Dateman from
>Standalone and Action Names from Iambic. They enable you to link notes to
>names so that Names itself becomes your database. Another linking option

If someone is going to set up an important dbase, one thing to keep in
mind is that backups don't always preserve links made by these custom apps
(someone will correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure!). I've always avoided
putting important info into these types of programs as I've worried about
backups. Heck even alternate phone #'s and thing you enter into the Names
app of NOS itself don't get backed up (according to NCU docs, anyway).

One of these days I will setup a big dbase on the Newt, and when I do,
NewtDB will be the app I register for that purpose, based on the fiddling
I've done with demos.


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