OK gang, thanks for the many attempts to help so far, but as yet
nothing works. Remember, I have an MP110 running NOS1.3...
Donna Dolezal Zelzer wrote:
>Try this:
>1, Switch from icon view to list view in Extras. (Just tap the
>little round button next to the arrows on the bottom right of the
I don't have this little round button!?!? My Extras drawer looks
exactly as described in the Newton manual (it is the NCK manual I
don't have) with the volume indicator, battery indicator and the
x-box, and nothing more. I don't seem to have any way to get at a
list view? Perhps there is some other problem here except that the
Extras drawer is as per manual and all basic info functions seem to
work. Hence I can't do the steps below.
>2. put a check box in the package you want to remove.
>3. tap on the little envelope icon and choose "Delete"
>4. I think a warning message comes up asking if you really want to
>do this. Double check to make sure you have the right one checked,
>and tap "yes"
Robert Benschop wrote:
>I'm curious what you mean with "did the Newton OS 1.3 upgrade" suppose you
>mean that you installed the latest system (softeware) upgrade, seem to
>remember that my 110 only came in the 1.3 flavor at the time.
This one came with 1.2, and I read somewhere that the Modem enabler
prefers to have 1.3 I'm hoping to do basic email on it.
>Tap on Extra's and scrub the icon of Mahjong (the same icon that you tap to
>launch the game with the same scrubbing motion that you use to erase text:
I have now tried this what seems like a million times to no avail -
the best that ever happens is that Mahjongg opens (which is beginning
to drive me nuts). I've got the 'scrubbing' of text etc. worked out
so I think I have this 'touch'.
>For manuals you can go to http://www.info.apple.com/manuals/manuals.taf and
>enter Newton, you'll find a long list of manuals, the manual for the Newton
>Connection Kit as there as well.
Thanks for this.
Betty wrote:
>I have a U2100 so I'm not sure how applicable this is. Hold your stylus
>next to the icon of Mahjong until a big dot appears. Without lifting your
>stylus, draw a square around the Mahjong icon. When you release your
>stylus, the Mahjong icon should be highlighted. Now go to your toolbox and
>select the one that looks like an envelope. Select delete and Mahjong
>should be deleted. Let me know if it works.
Sorry, but no..... I tried about 100 times to get the dot and
square, but there is no 'toolbox' in this OS version.
Geir wrote:
>Have you tried to press lightly on the mahjong icon. You should hear a beep
>and the icon will be high lighted. When this is done click on the small
>"letter" icon on the bottom right side of the screen (the right one)choose
>delete from the pop up menu.
Nothing lke this happens on my Newton 110??????
I am getting more than a little frustrated. I can make Macs dance
but this is eluding me. I have that nasty suspicion that I am
missing some tiny piece of the puzzle.
And worst, the Mahjongg thing is still there! I like the game
(Shanghai is a staple on my Macs) but it is too small for my eyes on
Newton,besides I am triying to reserve space to work out an email
-- TTFN, eh! Robert Gray mailto:robert_gray@carleton.ca "not all those who wander are lost" JRR Tolkien ****************************************** This month's NewtonTalk brought to you by:EVOTE.COM, the ultimate Political Junkie site on the 'Net.
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