Re: NTLK Re: Is there a Newton Emulator?

From: David Arnold (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 07:23:40 EST

-->"Paul" == Paul Guyot <> writes:

>> Is there a Newton Emulator?
  Paul> No there is not.

well, actually, i have seen screenshots of one from inside Apple, and
Gnuton is nowhere near complete, but ...

>> One thing we need for the Newton is an Emulator.
  Paul> Umm. Yep. Actually, we'll need to have newtons
  Paul> re-manufactured. And personnaly, I'll need...., well I wonder.

there have been talks (that i am aware of) with WinCE manufacturers.
they are interested in allowing the ROM/Flash boards to be replaced by
other OSes ...

>> Question: Is it legal to make an emulator?
  Paul> It is, I think, if it takes the ROM from the Newton. (you
  Paul> bought the right to use the ROM, hence if you have an
  Paul> emulator, you can use the ROM in the emulator if you are not
  Paul> using the Newton).

or, if you reimplement the ROM functions ...

  Paul> Anyway, Apple tried several time to start a Newton Emulator
  Paul> Project, but they abandonned it.

officially ;-)

  Paul> The thing is that the non NS code is like the kernel for
  Paul> everything in the NS system. Providing all an environement for
  Paul> a NS shell means writing all the functions that are *not* NS,
  Paul> and which the programs may call or require. It is what David
  Paul> Arnold does.

or perhaps more accurately, "is trying to do" ;-)

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