Hmm, I've been thinking about this too (Newt Emulator), but the first
thing that's needed is a full ROM image.
There is/was a debugger package for the Newt that lets you debug and
trace even into some of the ROM calls. It connects to a Mac running a
Newton debugger program...
I wonder is it possible to use this thing to get a complete ROM image
downloaded? I understand that the Newton's apps run in user mode and
might not be able to access all memory, but would not the debugger run in
supervisor mode?
If not, would it be possible to induce a stack smasher for the ARM that
would get us into supervisor mode (just enough to have code that reads any
memory address)?
Also I've read in an ARM book that the ARM chips used by the Newt also
include an MMU, we'd possibly need to twiddle with this to read all the
ROM as well...
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