NTLK Problems with 2100

From: Peter Edwardsson (Peter.Edwardsson@globalone.net)
Date: Mon Jan 31 2000 - 01:01:10 EST


I am having some difficulties with my MP 2100 right now. I'm getting
-48013 error now and then.

I'm also having problems creating new name cards. When I tap the button
to create a new name card, I end up in a already existing name card, and
if I succed getting through this, the new name card is not possible to
find anywhere in my Newton!

I've erased and reinstalled everything twice already. I want to use my
Newton, not to erase and reinstall all the software all the time :(

When I have erased my Pretec 16Mb card and made a hard reset on my
Newton, and I managed to reinstall everything I need, the Newton is
telling me that the card is formatted in a different language, and it's
asking me if I want to update it or not. When I select updat, the Newton
just freeze and I have to make a soft reset to make it work again, and
then the Newton is asking me once again if I want to update this Pretec

H e l p !!

By the way, I'm using MoreInfo, and most of the SilverWare products for
the Newton.

/Peter Edwardsson

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