At 12:23 AM 4/30/00 -0400, T.M. Camp wrote:
>However, since I mentioned speed . . . what modems are available out there
>to 'up the voltage' on what I have. At this point, I am in explore mode so
>money isn't necessarily a consideration. Any suggestions on what you're
>using, how well it works, what drivers are available, would all be most
Hayes Optima 33.6 and K56 with EZ-Jack. They work out of the box (though
Hayes no longer exists as a company; Dennis Hayes apparently runs a bar
now). The new Megahertz units with the glow-in-the-dark X-Jack is another
alternative that I've seen. Len Lutz has/had a list of Newton-compatible
modems floating around; if you're interested I'll dig up the URL.
-- Ivan T. Shaw, PhD Are you a "Have"?
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