Re: NTLK Smackdown! (eMate vs. 2x00)

From: THX 1138 (
Date: Sun May 07 2000 - 10:00:28 CDT

At 06:32 AM 5/7/00 Andy Pasulka <> quoth:
>I'd like to add mobile internet connectivity, a
>backlight, and a keyboard. I'm leaning towards eMate, so that I can have the
>keyboard without a cable to keep track of. Those of you who have used
>eMate and 2x00, which do you prefer?

I asked this question a while back on the PDA Dash (now board. their answers swayed me towards a 2000. Which I
eventually got.


for me the speed difference was the main factor. however the lack of
cursive recognition, larger size, and higher price on the emate were also

my only complaint is that if you really want the keyboard, the emate
keyboard is far far superior to the standard newton keyboard.

these are, of course, only my opinions, and as I've proved before, are
subject to gross misinformation. :)



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"You call that an ending with practically everyone still on their feet? My
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