Hi Craig,
Th4e NewtonTalk list was the victim of a severe outage requiring a disaster
recovery server move. As a result, some digest users (the long precise)
were changed to the full list. To correct the problem, go to the NewtonTalk
section of Planet Newton (http://www.planetnewton.com) and unsubscribe your
email address. You will be sent a confirmation email that you must respond
to in order to unsubscribe. Once this step is done, resubscribe at the same
location, but for the digest form of NewtonTalk. This should correct the
----Original Message Follows----
From: craig lawrence <craigl@istar.ca>
Reply-To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Subject: Re: NTLK Re: 2100 to G4
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 11:07:53 -0700
Why am I receiving separate messages instead of one long precise? This is
very annoying and if someone thinks it's an improvement they should wade
through 30 - 40 messages every time
they open their browser. RSVP
"ve2cvx@cgocable.ca" wrote:
> * Get a compatible Farallon card and the official drivers to make it
> work. Connect via Appletalk
> I would like to know wich one work with the newton 2xxx
> thanks
> Carl Veilleux
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