On Wed, 24 May 2000 Doug Fuss wrote:
>I may have started the thread about wishing it were
>clearer, but I wouldn't think of doing any serious
>writing on my precious Newton screen without one.
>Unfortunately, in low light areas (which is just about
>anywhere in my house!) I almost always have to turn my
>backlight on with the NuShield. In recent tests, I
>wouldn't have to without it. Clearer film would
>surely help!
>If you're looking for guinea pigs to try out samples
>of clearer film, please count me in!
I have to agree with Doug. I spend so much tine staring into my Newton that sometimes I'm tempted to remove the NuShield. But the fear of scratching the precious screen kept me from it. I went with a naked Newton screen for 1 month and love the clarity. I use the Cross tip so it is very gentle on the screen.
I'd be more than willing to give a clear sample a test run and report to the list my findings and experience. As for size, I'd appreciate an increase of about 1 mm top to bottom.
Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.0
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