On Wed, 24 May 2000 Loren Finkelstein wrote:
>The main purpose of this adventure (aside from wanting a backup) is I just
>got my 16 Meg card back (It was being repaired, or replaced) so I want to
>switch from the 8 meg card back to the 16.
>I suppose I could try to move all the packages from one card to the other,
>but I find that a little scary. Don't want to miss anything.
>Any other thoughts?
When you get the slip in NCU to backup Internal and/or Card, deselect internal to backup Card only. Also deselect All Packages. If if still fails, you know it's a Soup problem. If not, you can proceed to do a second backup but select only Packages. If it fails, it's confirmed that you have a corrupt Package. Just reinstall them manually.
Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.0
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