I have stopped using the Newton styli because the Cross pen is so silky
smooth - even so, I went back to their website to see what they were up to,
and found the "NetPen"
This is a gizmo that can scan barcodes specially made to hold URLs
"PaperClick codes". There is apparently also free software ("PaperClick")
to enable the pen to download the URLs into your desktop. A mobile version,
"PaperClick ToGo" also exists to get the scanned codes (& the contained
URLs) into your WAP-PDA. Unfortunately, no Newton version. Hmmm. That
got me thinking - either a direct scan w/ the Newton, or a Newt version to
talk to the pen... better yet, if only the pen could beam...
The basic idea is for documents, ads, etc. to have a little barcode that you
would scan with your pen if you wanted to remember where to go later on the
Net for more info.
Nifty, but I was disappointed to see that to actually produce hardcopy w/
the codes, you have to register, agree to give them your firstborn, etc.
etc. etc.
Paul F.
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