Re: NTLK Simple Mail 4.0 & memory loss

From: THX 1138 (
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 15:52:54 CDT

On Sat, 27 Ma"Kenny Song" <> quoth:
>He's looking into it. I'd like to try removing Paper Stationery and just
>use Text Stationery but I love it too much to disable. I'd rather do a
>brainwipe and restore every month. :-( Care to try without it Stephen and
>post your findings?;-P

I've removed paper text from my newt and am using text stationary and ICS
Text Edit exclusively with no obvious memory issues. At least, with none
like the memory problem associated with paper text.

Text Edit, is a pretty good replacement if you absolutely have to have the
way cool scrolling.

The memory problem was pretty severe in my case, several times I was
informed that I had no internal storage space available, and no messages
could be downloaded. Ack! Since I didn't want to have to brainwipe every
few days, I chucked paper text. No problems since.

anyway, just my experience & compromises, your milage may vary..



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