Harold_Clitheroe@cpr.ca wrote:
> Ok.. after a long hiatus, I'm back.. (in 1996, I was mugged
> and my MP2000 was stolen..) I was unable to get a replacement
> and was forced to deal with the evil minions of Palm and CE.
> Last month, I turned 50 and my son rewarded me with an MP100
> he found on Ebay.. That got me back in the groove, so after much
> work, I'm the proud owner of a nearly mint MP2100. Fortunately
> I kept most of my old 2000 software. Its so good to be back
> to a super-PDA that actually is useful and productive.
> Anyway.. my questions..
> 1: Flash ram cards..
> Can I use the flash ram cards for a Cisco router in my Mp2100
Yes, you can usually use those cards in your MP. Beware that these cards are heavily read/write by the router and can wear out pretty quickly.
> 2: Web browsing..
> I got my 3com ethernet card to work, and at home I have no problems
> plugging into the hub to my cable modem and surfing/emailing..However,
> when I use it at work (NT network), I can get an IP address, but no matter
> how I try with nethopper, I can't seem to get proxy authentication working.
> Is there some difference in the way the newt sends authentication? Our firewall
> is Firewall 1, with Steelbelted Radius doing authentication
I don't know about this one. I haven't been able to get proxy authentification to work with NetHopper.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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