Robert Benschop wrote:
> on 01-08-2000 8:29, Arno Uhlmelmahei at wrote:
> > I recently installed MAE (macintosh application enviroment),
> > a Mac 68k emulator, on my Solaris box and am looking for an NCU
> > that is not expired. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> You can find NCU on
> as the name indicates it's binhexed so you should have stuffit expander
> running on your emulator.
Er, Robert, sorry to slightly correct you ;-), but the 'bin' extension
usually denotes a MacBinary II archive, which is smaller than BinHex'd
one, that usually have the 'hqx' extension.
However, the solution is the same, use Stuffit Expander.
Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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