On Fri, 4 Aug 2000 NewtonMP wrote:
>Thus, the most important thing to me is to have the HWR as accurate as possible. I've been doing a lot of writing in order to get used to it and to train the Newton to my handwriting. I still have some problems, though, and I wonder if you could give me some tips (I've already seen Hardy Macia's tip page -- are there any other good pages out there?). In particular I have trouble with apostrophes. Words like: I've I'm don't doesn't and the like very rarely come out properly. Especially if I'm writing in cursive. I've also been frustrated since the recognizer will fairly often choose words that don't exist in preference to those in the dictionary. I am tempted to have it only use words in the dictionary. Do many people do this? Or is it too limiting?
Try print recognizer. I get accurate recognition with it (98%) and you don't need the build in dictionary to get results.
> Also, speaking of note taking, what are the best notepad enhancements out there? Are there any made with college note taking in mind?
SAS's SuperNotepad is awesome and has lots of enhancement including superior sorting and navigation. Also some security features.
>On a different note, I have been having a problem when resetting the Newton. If I push the reset button with my modem card (a TDK 2814) in the slot, the Newton will sort of "die"-- it will power down and not come back on again. Pushing the power button or reset button has no effect.
I have a feeling the Modem is a huge power drain. Anyone else using this modem? Perhaps you can comment.
Kenny Song
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