NTLK Re: Aloha

From: Robert Benschop (robertbenschop@bigfoot.com)
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 03:18:05 CDT

on 06-08-2000 2:10, Hardy Macia at hardy@catamount.com wrote:

>> Hello Mr. Hardy Macia ,
>> I just saw the "Aloha has had a long life and I have had a lot of fun
>> supporting it, but due to continuous changes by the AOL host I have decided
>> to stop selling and supporting Aloha. " announcement on your site,
>> and I'm quite shocked.
>> I sell new eMates and have been recommending Aloha to quite a few users who
>> wanted worldwide email access.
>> As I understand this is final, would a plea from a lot of users help to
>> change your mind ?
>> I certainly feel like I'm left out in the cold (though I guess that you
>> probably feel the same way about AOL changing their protocol/software over
>> and over again) especially for people that paid the recent (and quite hefty)
>> price for Aloha 2.7
> I won't be changing my mind. I've have to move onto other things.
> There are not enough Aloha/Newton users to be able to pay the bills
> any longer so I'm writing software for the Palm. Aloha still seems to
> work for some users although I am not one of them. I haven't had time
> to figure out why ALoha has stopped working for me and not others.

Above are my letter I sent to Hardy Macia and his answer.
Would there be a developer that would be interested if Hardy Macia were to
release the source code of Aloha and to keep developing it, seems a total
waste to me.
In case he would refuse we could start a NewtonTalk mail petition, seems
that he owes quite a few users something since 2.7 isn't very old and wasn't
very cheap either.

Robert Benschop

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