Re: NTLK Transfering "storage" to new card?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 10:36:10 CDT

Drew Loker wrote:
> Hello. I am replacing an 8mb card I have used for sometime. i went to the
> "Storage" directory to move the items to the new card, but only a few would
> allow me to change the location of the ffile. I was able to salvage things
> like Names, Dates, and Notes, but a lot of others did not give me any
> chance, but definately used some portion of the removed card at thsi point.
> Surely there must be a better whay to trasnfer that what I did? I also had a
> challenge on about 4 programs that are claiming to be copyrighted. Is there
> any whay aroudn that?

Well, storage is the data used by the programs. It doesn't include the
programs themselves. So, if you really want to transfer verything,
switch the Extra folder to "All Items".

As you found out, some applications are copy protected, and you won't be
able to move them. You can only delete them and install them on a new

Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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