on 8/7/00 11:38 PM, NewtonMP at newtonmp@mindspring.com wrote:
> Does this mean that it doesn't adjust itself to your
> hand writing when you use the printed recognizer? What do most people use,
> printed or cursive? I find I get the best results printing using the cursive
> recognizer, since even when printing I tend to connect some letters.
I believe so, yes, you do have to have it in "cursive" mode to learn your
handwriting. That said, I use printing and print. I'm a leftie, and my
cursive is completely illegible, even by me. I tend to not close and finish
my letters in cursive, which just turns my writing into a long wrinkley line
without distinctive letters. I also used to connect letters, but have
trained myself out of them. Actually, as much as the Newton learns your
handwriting, you also learn from the Newton. My handwriting has actually
improved since using the Newton. I've also changed how I write some letters,
for instance, I not add serifs to the capital "I", which I didn't do before.
-- -Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <mailto:jonglass@usa.net> <mailto:glasshaus5@aol.com>*************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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