i agree, jon, but then again, newton is an abandoned platform, which makes
it quite tricky sometimes *;-D
Jon Glass [jonglass@usa.net] wrote 00-08-14 08.44:
>> 16. next time you synch with CO, it wil take you only two minutes. i rarely
>> synch with OE, but occasionaly i update the names in OE too. new entries
>> from OE are transferred from tab delimited files manually. normally, very
>> few names are added via OE, as most name entries are collected via the newt=
> Yes, but what if you _change_ an email in OE? How do you remember, how do
> you update? This part is the hard part--changing and updating when things
> change. For instance, I could change an email in Outlook, and a phone number
> in my Newton. the next time I sync, something is going to get lost
> somewhere. This part is what is scary. :-)
roman pixell
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icq user number: 3698764
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