Ed Kummel <tech_ed@yahoo.com> wrote:
> The "box" is just a commodity. I could care less about
> the hardware of the device that I am using.
Well, I guess that's the ultimate difference between Mac users and PC users.
Mac users do care about the box. I'm typing this on an iBook SE, and the
entire experience is a joy for me. I love the OS, I love the industrial
design. It's a total experience. That's why Mac people are so gung-ho about
their platform of choice: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,
> If my
> toaster had the software (Firmware and software) of my
> Newton, then my toaster would be my favorite toy!
If the Newton OS only ran on a box the size of a loaf of bread that was
day-glo orange and green and required you to write on it with a stylus the
size and shape of a pre-school crayon, that would be your favorite toy? I
doubt it. Industrial design does count for something.
-Steve Dockery
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