Re: NTLK looking for a Dr. and Diagnosis

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 09:09:15 CDT

>tion but when I say NO, the screen just goes blank again. No
>battery problems or power problems it seems thus. Have been ignoring months
>of "Memory full" errors and am not backed up. Huge address book that needs
>recovery. Any hints? Thanks

Are addresses on card in internal?

SetAutoDock is a free package from ?PNM consulting? that when put onto a
card (via another newton) and the card inserted into your newt, the
autodock will run and you can try and make a backup from NCU.

SBM Utilities has an emergency package that wil back things up onto a card
via the same mechanism, but I think you have to register it to be able to
see if your backup worked. But you can backup for free :)

Hope one of them works for you-


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