In a message dated 8/16/00 1:25:52 PM, you wrote:
<<I spoke to the chap for
nearly an hour about macs and newtons. Finally I declined to sell it because
if we can talk and talk about it then maybe its worth keeping. There is
something kinda organic about these machines as if theyre a part of us. I
cant imagine a pair of windows guys talking pc's for so long and with as
much enthousiasm>>
when I baught my 2100 from a fellow we spoke for almost 2 hours on the
phone...It was like I was going through an adoption process. When I revealed
that I had my web site he said he was "glad it was going to a good home"
I have spent over an hour on the phone talkin Newt with a few others like
Stacey of Newted and Matt of NPDS. The conversations are never short. :)
I really wanna try and get a get together in SE Michigan some time soon. Who
would be interested?
This Old Newt
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