Kenny Song wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> -----------
> >Well, that's strange. Both me and Kenny seem to suffer some kind of a
> >bug, then. What version do you have? I have version 1.1, and I'd like to
> >make it auto-sync :-/
> -----------
> Well, I'm not sure what version I have but it was created at 2.17 pm on Dec 15, 1997. Laurent, is your version same as mine? I can think of only 2 reasons. A conflict or there are different versions floating about. If it's a conflict, I'll try find out what it is that cause it when my spare 2100 comes back from pixSolution.
I think I have the same version than you, Kenny. The package info says
"NetTime:DTS" (strange that signature, BTW, it used to be the acronym
for Developer Technical Support group at Apple), created on 12/15/97 at
2:17 pm. <c> 1997 Newton, Inc.".
Now, Heiko Cultus is reporting using version 3??? Heiko, you have a
collector's piece! I've tried very hard to find version 1.1, never saw
any version 3!
Could you upload it somewhere where we can download it? Or email-it to
Many thanks!
Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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