Paul Guyot wrote:
> >I think I have the same version than you, Kenny. The package info says
> >"NetTime:DTS" (strange that signature, BTW, it used to be the acronym
> >for Developer Technical Support group at Apple), created on 12/15/97 at
> >2:17 pm. <c> 1997 Newton, Inc.".
> It's not strange at all. It is a sample included with NIE 2.0
> developer goodies. The sources are included.
> It never worked at mine. I found another modified version (probably
> on NewtonMad).
Oups! I didn't know that. I understand the signature now. I should have
a look at this sample code, then. I'm still thinking about writing a
little utility that would get to the OANDA site to get some currencies
exchange rates and updates those in the Newton. I'd like to make it work
whenever it detects a connection to the 'net.
> >Now, Heiko Cultus is reporting using version 3??? Heiko, you have a
> >collector's piece! I've tried very hard to find version 1.1, never saw
> >any version 3!
> >
> >Could you upload it somewhere where we can download it? Or email-it to
> >me?
> I am also interested. I'll try to find the changes and I'll update
> the sample code's source if it works. Umm. Well, if the usual DTS
> license is there (the code may be included as is without any
> restriction) and if we can't find any notice from someone else's work.
That would be great to get the updated source code!
Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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