NTLK Pippin optional touchscreen & keyboard -- eMate prototype?

From: CM Stimpson (macheel@dialfree.net)
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 10:06:54 CDT

on 8/17/00 3:51 AM, NewtonMP at newtonmp@mindspring.com wrote:
> Here are some links about Pippin. The first one has a good summary about
> the Pippin story.
> http://www.geocities.com/~compcloset/BandaiPippin.htm
> http://www.morochove.com/watch/cw/ff60118.htm
> http://www.info.apple.com/pr/press.releases/1996/q3/960516.pr.rel.pippin.htm

Thanks for the Pippin info, NewtonMP.

I especially like that first link.

Anyone who checks that first link out may notice what I noticed....

the optional Pippin touchscreen (with stylus) and built-in keyboard seems to
look suspiciously familiar....

anyone else besides me think that Apple may have dug that out of the files
when they were coming up with the concept for the eMate?


makes me wonder.


The box said "Windows 95 or better" so I bought a Macintosh.

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