RE: NTLK Re: Will using AC lenghten NiMH pack's lifespan?

From: Bradley Smith (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 11:22:49 CDT

Surf the 'net on your newt using a really power hungry modem?


Best thing is (int theory) to have your rechargable pack in all the time but
don't plug it in until it warns you that it's run out and make sure you have
4 AA's ready so you can recharge overnight at some convenient point.

Incidentally, 4 Duracells have been powering my MP2k for a month now and
they're down to 40%. That's not bad, 2.50GBP per month.

> So, anyone has any idea about how you can easily discharge an
> NiMH pack?
> Any danger of over-discharging an NiMH?
> -Laurent.
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