Re: NTLK Solito DX

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 11:34:09 CDT

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 Laurent Daudelin wrote:

>Speaking of GeekSafe, do you have any problem with it? Like when you
>reboot your MP, you don't get any error? I don't remember if this ever
>came up here, but I'm having a problem in which everytime I reboot my
>MP, I get a -48200 (maybe -48204) error when trying to open GeekSafe. I
>then have to open GeekGas (from the same author), close it, and then I'm
>fine until I have to reboot my MP again.
>A few weeks ago, I even did a hard reset and restored everything except
>my system soup, but the problem remains.
Strange, I've never hod any kind of error with both GeekSafe or GeekGas though I have since deleted the later.

Kenny Song
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