Sorry, I'm running a day behind with my reports.
They're getting done but yesterday was a bit crazy with work so here comes
the one that should have arrived on Thursday but didn't...
One of the key things that I use my Newton for is taking writing notes.
I like writing short stories and fiction, as a result I am something of a
compulsive NoteTaker. My Newt (and in this instance my Palm) travel
everywhere with me.
If I see something that interests me I will usually pull open the note
facility on Avi's Backdrop and slip some notes down. A great feature and
something I have come to rely on.
How does this all go when you're working with a Pilot.
Alas not very well so far...
The process for me is very spontaneous, and I still don't feel the Palm
doesn't lend itself to my way of working. For sure I was sat having a coffee
today when I wanted to write something down.
The Palm has been residing in my pocket, something my Newt will never do.
Hence as a result it wins hands down in that score. The sheer portability of
the machine is still pretty impressive. The Newt always travels in my bag.
However while I am getting to grips with Grafitti I am still finding it a
little difficult. I have resisted the urge to download HWR improvement
packages because I was determined to get to grips with the Palm recognition
system in the raw.
While I'm sure it would suit many, I don't think I will ever be that
comfortable with it. As the week wears on I'm missing my Newt more and more,
the lack of backlighting (on this model, most Palms have this facility) is
getting frustrating and while the screen "feels" good. The Palm isn't great
in low level lighting situations, that's something I felt that the
pre-backlight Newtons weren't too bad with personally speaking.
The lack of screen space is finally starting to get to me as well, the
machine seems to lack that finesse that the Newton has going for it. Once
again just a personal opinion. As a result I have been using my desktop more
and more this week.
I'm starting to feel however my critiques of the Palm are a little unfair
and I would like to remind people that this is an older model. I've not had
the chance to play with the new all singing, all dancing models that are out
today. However I must point out that it was released in 1997, the same year
I believe as the 2100.
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