on 26-08-2000 3:00, Adrian Carter at adi@cix.co.uk wrote:
> I like writing short stories and fiction, as a result I am something of a
> compulsive NoteTaker. My Newt (and in this instance my Palm) travel
> everywhere with me.
> The process for me is very spontaneous, and I still don't feel the Palm
> doesn't lend itself to my way of working. For sure I was sat having a coffee
> today when I wanted to write something down.
> The lack of screen space is finally starting to get to me as well, the
> machine seems to lack that finesse that the Newton has going for it. Once
> again just a personal opinion. As a result I have been using my desktop more
> and more this week.
Seems that this PDA is moving you in exactly the opposite direction of what
a PDA is meant to do, back to the desktop !
Not mentioning the fact that if your batteries run out you would loose all
your ideas, addresses written down during the day etc.
For me the capital reason that I don't even contemplate getting a Palm (even
if I would think about it the answer would still be no, love the HWR and OS
on the Newt and both love and hate the size)
> I'm starting to feel however my critiques of the Palm are a little unfair
> and I would like to remind people that this is an older model. I've not had
> the chance to play with the new all singing, all dancing models that are out
> today. However I must point out that it was released in 1997, the same year
> I believe as the 2100.
Don't worry, your reports are consistent with other reviews here on the list
concerning newer models ;-)
Robert Benschop
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