I've used ALL models Palm Pro, III, IIIe, IIIx, IIIxe, IIIc, VII, V, Vx,
M100... My opinion is as follows:
-- Though their commercials claim they can "beam across train platforms", I can't keep a connection to an HP IR LaserJet from more than 6 inches away with one, yet my MP2k can sit across the isle at work and print fine (the Isle is like 2 feet wide, close to 3 perhaps? And the one at my previous work was about 5 or 6 and I could almost touch the opposite shelf there and print)HWR --- Graffiti is not a HWR, it is a Symbol recognizer. You learn it, it does not learn you.
Data Storage ------------- The limitations of 7k notes is unreal.
Word Processing --------------- Granted there are word processors, but it's lack of printing abilities makes this useless. Same with faxing.
Backlight --------- Low light situations, you can forget it. It will not work.
The ONLY advantage the Palm has is it's sync and software. It's slow processor and lack of what I consider required PDA functions rules it out as a Power User's tool and most of the Power Users I know do not use the Palm.
I recently was in the company of a Windows user who was didn't like Macs, in fact every time I said the word "Mac" he replied with "Ugh. Maccssss"... like some kind of Skitzo having a relapse of a bad childhood memory. Anyhow, I whipped out the Newton to take down his eMail address and he goes "Your Palm Pilot is kinda large, isn't it?" and I said "Don't insult it. This is a miniature laptop, not a glorified address book. And yes, it's Made by Apple and it's still deemed the best damned handheld computing platform around. And it's a mid-ranged Pentium in speed, the Palm is barely a 286. Any questions" this kinda ticked him off, and he didn't address the issue (the funny thing here is he wanted me to do QuickTime clips of the Football games since my principle told him I could - when I told him I was doing it on a Mac he did the usual ignorant "That won't work on Windows" kinda spill and I enlightened him on how QuickTime is a universal format. But I don't want to start another ruckus, just pointing out that The Logo on a MP can bring up some "Oh it's a Macintosh" kind of threats.... -- - Chris B.
A supporter of... \\ /, `( Newton Technology \ =
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