>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 14:17:25 +0100
>From: arthur battram <apb@cityplex.demon.co.uk>
> John Skinner said
>> Subject: Re: NTLK Where is NewtonPress?
>>> I see it mentioned from time to time but can't find it anywhere. Am I
>>> not looking in the right places or is there another program that will do
>>> the same function?
>if you want formatted text you'll have to use the dreaded Newton Press or
and don't forget Newt's Cape. it can be used to create books directly on
with text, graphics, links, tables and forms from HTML (HyperText Markup
Language) documents
via TCP (2.x: using Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) -- so it's a web browser too)
or in your Notepad, Inbox, Newtworks or over a serial connection
>Paperback should be easily findable on the usual Newton download sites, if
>not I've got it.
NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,...
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