Re: NTLK How to Sync Newtons?

From: Ben Doughney (
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 01:31:34 CDT

on 29/8/2000 5:33 PM, Bill Davis at wrote:

> I tend to keep most everything but the "stock" software that comes with
> 'em (and even most of that) on the memory card. That way if my 2100
> dies, I can just pull the card and stick it in my Upgraded 2000, or maybe
> even my 130. Anything that works better or requires it be in internal
> memory, I do so (usually just beam it from one to the other.)

How does the speed compare from running packages from a card, to running the
packages from the internal store?

Also, on another note, what is the best way to clean ball point pen off the
screen? I have tried using some water, but that didn't get it off, and I
don't want to use anything strong that might damage the screen. (I think
someone tried to see if it would do anything if they wrote on the screen)

         Ben Doughney
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