No residue that I can detect. It appears to last for a while, too, although
I haven't written on the screen extensively, either. But it's amazing what
it did to the smudge on the lower right of the screen (from Graffiti)
honestly DISAPPEARED. I challenged my wife to find it, and she couldn't.
Strange but true.
There's some kind of lubricating effect, as well. The screen feels slicker
when I write, which I like, actually.
Anybody else tried this? Or am I just hallucinating? Anybody know of any
possible dangers to the screen coating?
----- Original Message -----
From: david ting <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: NTLK Help re screen scratch???
> Did the Pledge leave a residue on the screen? That is, when you write
> with the stylus, is there add'l resistance from the screen surface? Your
> discovery could be significant for all of us with wear-and-tear on our
> Newton screen!
> David
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Keith Isley wrote:
> > Here's a guilty confession....
> >
> > About a week ago I wiped my screen with a cloth that had Pledge
> > polish (raspberry scented) on it...and all the small scratches
> > including a smudged area where my Graffiti window opens.
> >
> > I couldn't believe my eyes, so I had my wife look at it to make sure.
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