I am a big fan of both the Cross Digitial Writer and the Rötring Quatro.
The Digital writer comes in many forms, and the refills can go in just about
any Cross pen.
The Quatro isn't as soft tipped as the Digital Writer, but it has a Pen, a
Pencil, an Orange highlighter type pen, and a stylus. Very handy.
As for online resources, try...
From: "T.M. Camp" <tmcamp@fusionary.com>
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Subject: NTLK Fancy Stylii?
Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2000, 11:18 AM
Yes, it's time for "Anybody know something cool?" once again...
I've discovered over the past few days that I've developed the habit of
leaving my MP2K stylus on my keyboard tray at my desktop machine . . .
"Whoops, gotta run out of this meeting to find where I left my friggin pen.
Sorry, Mister Client."
I've heard of stylus/pen combos, where you give it a twist and you have ink
. . . another twist and you have a stylus tip. I'm interested. I know that
these exist. Anybody know a good online resource? And personal favorites,
manufacturer/model recommendations?
One day, I'll contribute something meaningful to the list, I swear...
T.M. Camp
Fusionary Media tmcamp@fusionary.com
Grand Rapids, MI 616.454.2357 voice
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