I realized that I have a great deal of valuable information in my
NAMES file which would be lost to me (at least temporarily or worse)
if my Newton died or was stolen or whatever so... I attempted to use
NCU to export my names info to a tab delimited file which I could
then import into a Filemaker Pro contacts file.
Repeatedly, I get a seemingly successful export which then reports
that 50 or so records were exported and that 700+ invalid records
were skipped. This seems to persist with all file formats (Claris
Organizer etc.), as well as with only small groups of records
The "skipping" seems to happen on the Newton end of the NCU link as I
can see the lack of activity on my Farallon Etherwave activity
indicator lights - activity matches a record being posted as read by
NCU. By this I mean that the NCU package on the Newton decides that
the records are invalid and does not send them to my Mac.
The only thing that I can guess may have made my records "wonky" was
a brief experiment with Address Access, a NAMES APP
replacement/enhancer. I did notice for instance that Address Access
seemed to include (display ?) a field for creation date.
Has anyone else encountered/solved this particular problem ?
Brian O'Hara
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