Hello Everyone!
I'd like to clarify something:
This offer of Founder's access to Newted just by using Newted as your
referrer for the PayPal service appealed to me because it was a way
for anyone (Newted Member or not) to make a meaningful donation to
the Community without actually reaching into your pocket and pulling
out some cash. In other words - in the short time it takes to fill
out the forms that they ask you to complete, you can get the Newted
Community a $10 donation which helps pay for bandwith and server
maintenance/upgrades - all for nothing but a few minutes spent
online. They don't plague you with email. They don't bother you with
special offers. Seemingly they are interested in establishing a name
for themselves so they can get gobbled up by the next big fish on the
In any case, every little bit helps. I do a lot of work on the site
to keep it up and running and to keep the content fresh. My wife
isn't a computer person and she doesn't understand spending $1700 for
a file server or $60/month for ADSL access (though she is beginning
to understand this a bit <grin>) - so I need to seek any source of
funding when I can find it. This one seemed to be very innocuous and
free - so if you're so inclined, please drop by this URL and sign up
for the PayPal service - you'll be helping us keep our doors open:
The pages are secure!
Stacey Tenen
Sysop of the Newted Community
ICQ 52363344
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