-->"Laurent" == Laurent Daudelin <laurent_daudelin@fanniemae.com> writes:
Laurent> Farallon also used to sell what they called "PhoneNet", but
Laurent> it's no longer manufactured either.
note that CompUSA (for one) still stocks these (or there were a stack
of them in the local store on Sunday, anyway). they have the
Newt-compatible MiniDIN-8 on a short lead to a box with two RJ11
sockets. i *think* they each come with a standard RJ11 lead too, they
certainly have the terminator that is required in the empty socket.
about USD20 ?
if you are starting from scratch, this might be cheaper (ie. $40) than
a PCMCIA ethernet card for the newt, plus a cross-over cable and maybe
ethernet for your Mac. just check that your mac has a Localtalk
(usually the MiniDIN-8 "printer" port).
i've used these together with photonics IR wireless adaptors for
years. certainly slower than ethernet though ...
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