> This is a question for programmer types. I asked this once before but
> didn't get an answer and I need help.
> In the names app there is a popup for assigning email types. The pop up
> appends the email domain to the selected address. For example selecting
> America Online appends AOL to the address.
> I was having trouble with people replying to my mail that I sent through
> Lotus Notes using Cadenza. Cadenza requires an email type of "Lotus Notes"
> in the owner card. Well, I was using SBM util demo and examined the
> registry and found that the "Lotus Notes" email type that Cadenza put there
> automatically appends to my Lotus Notes email. Therefore it
> looks like my email is coming from and if someone replies it
> gets routed there instead of to me at my correct domain.
> Is there a utility that lets me change these email types and entries? I
> used SBM to poke through the system soup but couldn't find anything to
> change. Can someone steer me in the right direction?
Well, you can use SBM Services to add or delete email systems. I don't know
where they are stored, though. Might well be in ROM... Strange, I didn't see
any Cadenza or Lotus Notes as email type/system. You must have used something
that added this email system to the standard ones.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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