Sunder wrote:
> Sorry guys,
> When I agreed to host this archive, I did so under the impression that it
> was all shareware/freeware. It turns out I was misled.
> I wasn't aware until today that this archive was tainted by commercial
> software that had been pirated. This morning I've received an email from
> someone at nsbasic informing me that the copy on the archive wasn't a
> demo, but the full version.
> I've removed just nsbasic, however about an hour later I received a
> message about other packages that were illegal, so rather than having to
> find out that there are even more later, I simply deleted the entire
> archive, and the big zip file from which it came, and all backups of it.
> It's gone, and won't be returning. Sorry, but them's the breaks, I won't
> host pirate ware.
It's really unfortunate, because I think that NewtonMad has more abandonned
softwares, than softwares that are still commercially available. While I can
understand your motivation, I would strongly suggest to the other mirrors to
"screen" their archive, instead of merely deleting it as a whole. If we lost
all NewtonMad's mirrors, I think that this will be a great loss for the
Newton community.
As you may have noticed, I'm really trying hard to answer all questions that
are asked on NewtonTalk, and I must tell you that many times, the answer is
lying on NewtonMad, again, for those softwares that are no longer
As a developer myself, I wholeheartedly support the developers and I'm
against any kind of piracy. However, if the developer is gone, and don't care
anymore, I don't see why the softwares that can be of great help for some
users couldn't be hosted and freely available. Usually, if the developer is
gone, he won't even noticed. I'm not debating whether it's legally right or
wrong, just my conscience.
Again, please, think twice before deleting the whole archive.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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