>I can host the archive. I have a server with plenty of space on a T1 line.
>I would be perfectly happy to put it up on a hotline server with 24
>hour access.
>As far as I'm aware most of the software in the archive although
>perhaps commercial was protected by serial numbers and therefore
>worthless to anyone without a licence.
In some cases, serial numbers are included with the commercial software.
However, that is irrelevant: the licence agreements for the sofware are
still being violoated.
The only way to avoid risk is to delete the illegal copies of the
commercial software completely. None of comercial developers want to shut
off a valuable resource to Newton users, but it has to be done above
Anyone thinking of hosting NewtonMAD should be sure to get appropriate
legal advice first.
George Henne NS BASIC Corporation
http://www.nsbasic.com Orders: 416 264-5999 Fax: 416 264-5888
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