<<(and currently connected wirelessly via his brand new Apple AirPort base
station and Lucent WaveLAN Silver PCMCIA card in his PowerBook G3...not
his Newton 2100, alas....but if anyone out there is working on a Newton
WaveLAN driver, I'd love to beta test! ;-) The AirPort base station,
card and driver were a snap to set up, by the way. Usual Mac easiness.
Plug AirPort base into wall and Ethernet hub. Install WaveLAN Mac
drivers, use "easy install" (one button click). Change TCP/IP and
AppleTalk control panels from Ethernet to WaveLAN. Done! From all the
stuff I'd read online I'd expected it to be a lot harder. And I'm not
even using the AirPort 1.1 software yet!>>
Does one of these AirPort card thingies have a PCMCIA connector? I wasn't
aware of that...
Bill M.
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