>Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 21:36:12 EST
>From: ZACINCCEO@aol.com
>To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
>Subject: Re: NTLK Does AirPort card work with PCMCIA?
>Message-ID: <af.128da9f.25e3501c@aol.com>
>I have a Newton 2000 If I buy the card and station would it work?
No!! The card is only for machines that are designed to be AirPort
capable such as the iBook, iMac, and G4. As has been bantered about on
the list, someone would have to take an EtherWave card (Lucent) and muck
about with drivers to make it work. Don't buy this as a solution for the
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